Fellowship Tour – Christ in Palestine

Welcome To Our Fellowship Mission:  designed to reveal the footsteps of Christ & The Holy Spirit in Palestine  Our tour will take you from the birth of Jesus to the start of his ministry.  Following His footsteps from the river where he met John the Baptist and was Himself baptised, continuing as he meets His disciples and starts to teach.  Onwards to the amazing feeding of the 5000 at the Sermon of the mount and the resurrection of Lazarus .  We follow his footstep in Nazareth and visit the Sea of Galilee.

As he returned to Jerusalem for his last few days, we immerse ourselves in the places He visited and the experiences He had.  We follow his most painful journey through Jerusalem.  As we follow in His final footsteps as a Man, we will take time at the end for us all to reflect and contemplate, His sacrifice for us.

After his resurrection he appeared to his disciples at the Sea of Galilee cooking breakfast. We will also spend time in and around this area where his Holy Spirit was.

Jerusalem, Israel Old City skyline.
General view of Nazareth, Israel.
High Lights of the Holy Land Tour
Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem, Israel

The Mt. of Olives, is associated with many of the most significant moments in the life of Christ. Additionally the views of the rest of Jerusalem from the top of the hill are stunning.

The Garden of Gethsemane is one of the most important places on our tour. It's where Jesus prayed with his disciples the night before his crucifixion. Jesus and his disciples are thought to have often slept in the Grotto which is in the garden  He was captured here, in the garden.

Close by is the Church of All Nations. Where, according to the Bible, Jesus threw himself to the ground and prayed in anguish the night before his crucifixion.

Stop to see the village of Ein Karem the birthplace of John the Baptist. Mary, pregnant with Christ, met with her cousin Elizabeth here, to tell her the good news.

Also the Israel museum to see a model of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

And the highlight of our trip here is the walk from Zion Gate through the Jewish Quarter to the Western Wall and so to the Pool of Bethesda.   We take The Way of the Cross through Via Dolorosa.  At each of the Stations of the Cross we stop to understand what He endured.  The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is believed to be the location of Jesus' tomb and the site of his resurrection. We finish at the Garden Tomb which is an ideal setting for contemplation and reflection.


Into Palestine to visit the Shepherds’ fields,  Manger Square and also the Basilica and Grotto of the Nativity. This is the oldest church in the Holy Land that’s still in use today. It dates back to 339 AD and is, according to the Bible, built upon the grotto where Christ was born. Below the Church is St Jerome's Caves, which is also a quiet and peaceful place of contemplation.


We visit Lazarus’ tomb in Bethany the site where Jesus raised him from the dead. The Mount of Temptation is probably the hill in the Judean Desert where Jesus was tempted by the devil. (Matthew 4:8)  We stay in a hotel by the Sea of Galilee.


His Footsteps take us to the places where He is believed to have been born, taught, performed miracles, and baptized.  We visit the Basilica of the Annunciation and Cana the site of Jesus’ first miracle. Here he turned water to wine.  Ascending Mt Tabor we visit the church of the Transfiguration. We drive on to Nazareth Village, a reconstruction of 1st Century Galilean life.

His footsteps continue around the Sea of Galilee, including Mensa Christi where He appeared to his disciples after His resurrection.  They found him cooking breakfast on the beach.